Tinnitus is when you experience noise or ringing in your ears or head when no physical noise is present. It's a symptom of a problem in your auditory system.
Common sounds associated with tinnitus include:
Hearing loss
A build-up of ear wax
Exposure to loud noise
Ear infections or inflammation
Problems with the inner ear
Some medicines
Head injuries
Preventing tinnitus
Don't stand near the speakers when listening to live music.
Use noise-cancelling headphones to listen to music and keep the volume as low as you can. Also, take regular breaks of at least 5 minutes every hour to give your ears a rest.
If you are in a noisy environment, regularly find a quieter spot to give your ears a rest.
Try to reduce your stress levels – sometimes tinnitus starts when you are anxious or stressed.
If you use earplugs or hearing aids, keep them clean, and avoid sticking things in your ears (such as cotton buds). These can all cause infections, which can cause tinnitus.
Use earplugs if you are going to be exposed to loud sounds over 85 decibels.
Different noises and their loudness:
A quiet library: 40 decibels
Ordinary spoken conversation: 60 decibels
A food blender: 85 decibels
A nightclub: 100 decibels
A live concert: 110 decibels
Always speak to a hearing or medical professional if you are concerned about tinnitus or your hearing.